SONIC X SHADOW Generations launches new area “White Space”

SONIC X SHADOW Generations launches new area “White Space”

SEGA has released information about the “Whitespace” in SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS.


White Space is the central hub of Shadow’s journey in SHADOW GENERATIONS. You will need to use a variety of abilities to fully explore this vast area!

In addition to offering a number of Missions and Challenges, White Space also allows you to exceed your Ring capacity and take part in special courses that test your mastery of Shadow’s Doom Powers.

There are also hidden treasure chests scattered throughout the area. If you wish to open them, you’ll need to obtain some special items.


In the Collection Room, players can check out artwork, music, and other rewards they received from treasure chests in White Space!

Fans who wish to learn more about the untold story of Shadow’s creation should be on the lookout for Gerald’s Journal! Explore every nook and cranny of White Space and aim for 100% completion!


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